Data and Performance

Key Stage 2 Assessment Data
All children take National Assessment Tests (SATS) at the end of Year 6 in Reading, Mathematics (Three Tests). There is no test in writing - this is assessed through Teacher Assessment. Below is how Mowbray Primary School has performed in these assessments over the past 4 years.
% of Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined
  2016 2017 2018 2019
School 38% 53% 60% 76%
National Average 53% 61% 64% 65%
% of Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard in each individual subject
National Average is in brackets as a comparison
  2016 2017 2018 2019
Reading 50% (66%) 65% (72%) 71% (75%) 82% (73%)
Writing 75% (74%) 71% (76%) 80% (78%) 94% (78%)
Mathematics 59% (70%) 59% (75%) 69% (76%) 79% (79%)
% of Pupils Exceeding the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined
  2016 2017 2018 2019
School 7%  12%   9% 6% 
National Average 5%  9%  10%  11% 
% of Pupils Exceeding the Expected Standard in each individual subject
National Average is in brackets as a comparison
  2016 2017 2018 2019
Reading 17% (19%) 21% (25%) 17% (28%) 24% (27%)
Writing 28% (15%) 18% (18%) 20% (20%) 24% (20%)
Mathematics 10% (17%) 24% (23%) 14% (24%) 9% (27%)
Scale Scores
Each child's mark in the SAT test is converted into a "Scale Score". The expected level at Year 6 is a Scale Score of 100. Our Average Scale Scores for each of the last 4 Years can be seen below.
There is no SAT Test in Writing therefore there is no scale score for that subject.
Average Scale Scores for each subject
National Average Score in brackets as a comparison
  2016 2017 2018 2019
Reading 99.8 (102.6) 102.8 (104.1) 103.3 (105.0) 104.3 (104.4)
Mathematics 99.2 (103.0) 102.2 (104.2) 101.3 (104.4) 103.0 (105.0)
Progress Scores
Each child receives a progress score based on how far away from or above their target scaled score they are. Therefore, a child achieving their target scale score would have a progress score of 0. Any child exceeding their scale score would a positive progress score greater than 0. Any child not achieving their target scale score would have a minus score lower than 0.
The average of these scores for our school can be seen below for the past 4 Years.
Progress Scores in each subject
National Average Score is always 0
  2016 2017 2018 2019
Reading -3.66 -1.9 -1.8 -0.16
Writing -0.17 -0.8 0.3 2.13
Mathematics -4.79 -2.6 -3.0 -2.74

You can compare how Mowbray's performance stands against other schools by using the School Performance Tables which can be found using the following link to the Department for Education website:


School Performance Tables