Governing Body Key Information

The Governing Body works to support the overall development of all children with a focus on three core strategic functions:

  1. Ensuring a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its children
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

In order to carry out this work, governors will:

  • Work closely with the school teams
  • Hold three full Governing Body meetings a year; one in each term
  • Work on committees to which the Governing Body has delegated key areas of responsibility. These meet on a regular basis and report in writing to the full Governing Body
  • Visit the school
  • Engage in appropriate training

Composition of the Governing Body

 The Governing Body is a total of 14 governors and is made up of: 

  • 2 x parent governors
  • 7 co-opted governors
  • 2 staff governors (one of which is the Headteacher)
  • 1 Local Authority Governor (LA Governor)

There are three members of staff who are Associate Governors and attend all Full Governing Body meetings. The associate members do not carry voting rights at the meetings. The associate members also attend sub committee meetings where necessary.

At Mowbray Primary School, the Governing Body has two committees.

  • Team A – Pupils, Curriculum and Standards
  • Team B – Policy and Resources

Committees meet once per term and all meetings are quorate when at least 50% of the governors in post are present.

Other committees (e.g. complaints and appeals) will be formed as and when necessary as per complaints and appeals policies.