Lower Key Stage 2

Our Character Curriculum includes following the Commando Joe's programme of missions.
In Autumn term, Lower Key Stage 2 the classes undertook a series of Commando Joe's missions, based on the former British Army Officer Ed Stafford, who holds the Guiness World Record for walking the length of the Amazon Rainforest.  As explorers, we encountered many challenges along the way, coming face to face with deadly creatures and natural disasters.  It was a great test of our strength of character, to undertake such a gargantuan task!
The missions each week enable children to build upon Mowbray's core values of developing:  Resilience, Life Skills, Curiosity, Risk, Aspiration, Self Awareness, Self Esteem and Self Belief, through the RESPECT model of Commando Joe's.  Combining these factors throughout various tasks and activities, is the true meaning of character.
  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Self-Awareness
  • Passion
  • Excellence
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
Mission 1:  "Your body is just as important as your mind"
Mission 3:  "Rivers cut through rocks with persistence, not power."
Mission 5:  "Sight is the most important sense."
Mission 2: "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail."
Mission 4:  "Memory is the diary we all carry about with us."
Mission 6:  "Helping others helps you."