Our Maths Curriculum

At Mowbray Primary School, each year group follows a yearly plan showing which Maths topics are covered when during the school year. 

We use White Rose Maths and follow the small steps guidance from there when planning lessons.

We encourage a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to enable children to visualise their maths and aid their understanding. During this academic year, we joined through our local Maths hub, a teaching and research group (TRG) to help us begin to develop a mastery approach to maths.

Mrs Waters and Miss Gibson have observed mastery lessons delivered by visiting teachers using the Shanghai approach, as well as attending group meetings and sharing good practice. The mastery approach incorporates 5 big ideas in maths of Coherence, Representation and Structure, Mathematical Thinking, Variation and Fluency.

Currently in school, we are sharing words of the week, the use of stem sentences and in KS1 a working wall is displayed to show the learning that is taking place.

Click the links below to find out more information about times tables at school...