
Here are answers to a few frequently asked questions:

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Mrs Ogglesby, Forest School Teacher

What will my child need to wear?

Forest school sessions will be held in all weathers (except thunderstorms or extreme winds), therefore we advise that children should be suitably dressed for a 2 to 3 hour session (layers are preferable rather than one heavy coat).

Will my child be using full sized tools?

Yes, within your child’s forest school sessions your child will be taught on a 1:1 or 1:2 (one adult per one-two children) basis when using tools. A group tool talk will be given including simple step by step instructions on how to carry, pass and use. All use of tools have been fully risk assessed and Mrs Ogglesby is fully trained in outdoor first aid. Each year group will gradually work up to using full sized tools.

Is forest school safe?

Forest school is a positive outdoor experience with motivating achievable tasks planned for during each session. Mrs Ogglesby works with the whole teaching staff to deliver a programme which will enhance your child’s learning experience at school. Needless risks have been removed making the environment safe and effective and we only challenge children with developmental risks they are able to cope with.

What areas of learning are achievable during a forest school session?

All areas of learning will be achieved during all sessions across all key stages. We encourage spontaneous discussions and development of themes by the children as well as team building. Exploration of the environment and tools allows children a chance to learn about the wider world and how to handle situations. Free play is given for children to run and experiment with different ways of moving and balancing. Drama and creativity are encouraged as a means of reviewing each session. Literacy and numeracy activities are woven throughout the sessions.

Where can I purchase a Forest School hoodie?

Follow the link under 'Parents' and 'School Uniform' to order your Forest School hoodie which can be worn on the day of your session.